Mass Delete Tweets, Replies, Likes, & DMs

Redact allows you to mass delete your tweets, retweets, likes, quotes, DMs, & replies! Redact comes with a slew of filtering options, this allows you to quickly find & remove the most problematic Twitter / X content. Search by username, keywords, & dates. App includes mass unfollower and mass unblocker.

Delete Tweets in Bulk

Redact's comprehensive system lets you delete tweets in bulk while providing you with a versatile set of tools to manage your online presence effortlessly. Whether you want to delete all tweets at once, or clear your online presence to the beginning of time, or go through your comments one by and choose what to delete, Redact has you covered.

We don’t just give you the ability to wipe everything away; we also offer you the option to safeguard your cherished posts by archiving them locally on your device. Additionally, you can fine-tune the process to your exact preferences, pinpointing and removing tweets as specific as those containing particular keywords posted from March to April 2013.

Moreover, there’s no need to fret about an overeager selection criterion. We let you run your settings dry so you can see which tweets would be removed before confirming the deletion. Plus, you have the ability to selectively exclude individual tweets from the batch, giving you unparalleled control and precision that no one else can match.
Delete Tweets in Bulk

Delete by Date Range

Redact gives you complete control over what timeframe to include or disinclude when you bulk delete tweets, likes, DMs, or replies. Not only are you able to choose dates to start looking after, and dates to only look before, but everything in between. You can specify individual months, weeks, or years - whatever you feel most comfortable with and whatever works best for your circumstances.

All of this functionality is paralleled inside of our relative date functionality, giving you a more human perspective on the same time frames. For example, you can delete everything “older than two weeks,” or “between 2 and 3 years old.” This gives you less precise but more intuitive insight into what’s being deleted according to the timeframe that works best for you.
Delete by Date Range

Delete by Hashtags

With Redact, you don’t need to destroy anything you’ve ever tweeted. Beyond limiting the scope to a confined timeframe, we allow you to focus on only posts containing specific hashtags. If you don’t want any of your #girlboss moments to linger on in your post history, then you can mass delete only posts with that hashtag while leaving your other tweets to live on.

This can be as efficient as you feel comfortable with! You don’t just have to select one hashtag at a time; we allow you to add as many hashtags as you need to your batches, so you can quickly and easily get the job done without over deleting by accident.
Delete by Hashtags

Delete by Keyword

Our content discrimination isn’t just limited to hashtags, you can specify any kind of content you need to point the bulk tweet deletion in the right direction. If you don’t want anybody seeing all the times you obsessively posted that certain somebody’s name back in 2014, we have you covered! Alternatively, you could select from a pre-curated list of spicy content. Redact is more than capable of handling whatever keywords in whatever quantity you have.

And just like with Hashtags, you can feed as few or as many keywords to Redact as you need for your purposes; pinpoint precision, total indiscriminate destruction, or something in between. And remember, always be sure to run it dry to ensure expected behavior.
Delete by Keyword

Delete all Replies

Replies, just like retweets and quote tweets, are essentially identical to regular posts; you can mass delete all of them with the exact same set of tools. We allow you to specify the time frame according to absolute or relative date ranges, only include replies containing specific words, only delete replies containing that one hashtag, and of course, get a preview over what exactly your settings catch in the sights before you commit to removing it forever.
Delete all Replies

Delete all Direct Messages

Redact is as flexible as it is powerful, and we aren’t just limited to posts and replies! We allow you to mass delete Twitter DMs just as easily as you can delete posts, retweets, and likes. This comes in two forms; first, you can mass remove all your direct messages from everybody you’ve ever talked to ever, or you can target your DM deletion towards only one person.

All our intuitive date and time selection tools work just as well. If you want to wipe your records of what you sent to everybody you talked to on August 1, 2021, you can do just that! Keep in mind, DMs are deleted only locally - your conversation partner still has access to those messages However, if your Twitter account ever got hacked or stolen, the perpetrators wouldn't see any of your private conversations.
Delete all Direct Messages

Delete all Likes at Once

Redact gives you direct power over your likes on Twitter. No longer are you bound to the flip of a switch of whether they’re public or private. We allow you to fine tune exactly what people know you’re interested in. Additionally, you can keep everybody guessing with regular, scheduled deletions every week. Nobody can call you out for your hidden anime fandom if the evidence is removed every day. You can also narrow down which likes to remove based on various filters, you don't have to delete them all.
Delete all Likes at Once

Delete all Twitter Followers

Getting a clean start on twitter may entail more than just changing what posts you appear to have made. Resetting your audience can go a long way to freshening up your online presence, even if it might sting to lose that hard earned attention. Whether you decide to pull that trigger or not, Redact gives you unparalleled power over exactly how over you want to start.
Delete all Twitter Followers

Unfollow Everybody on Twitter

In a similar vein to removing all of your followers, Redact lets you unfollow everybody you yourself follow. This has just as much an impact on how people perceive your online presence - you are what you consume after all.

With just as much precision and power as all of our other features, Redact puts control into your hands over who you follow with unprecedented convenience. Rather than meticulously sifting through all the hundreds of random accounts you’ve slowly accumulated over the years, wipe it all away and start fresh with Redact.
Unfollow Everybody on Twitter

Delete Twitter History

Experience the convenience of Redact, your all-in-one Twitter content management solution. Quickly delete tweets using specific keywords, date ranges, and hashtags, or ignore all of those things to start completely fresh by mass deleting all of your Twitter content. To hang on to all those years of memories, archive everything locally before saying goodbye. Clean up more than just your posts, but your DMs, likes, and replies as well.

With Redact, tailor your online presence to exactly the you that you want everybody to see, nothing more, nothing less. Download and test Redact for free today.
Delete Twitter History

Frequently asked questions

  • How do I delete my tweets in bulk?
  • Can I mass unmute Twitter accounts at one time? (this also works for mass unblocking Twitter accounts)
  • Can I remove all of my tweets at once?
  • If I delete my Twitter DMs, can the other person still see the conversation?
  • Can I delete all my tweets that contain a specific hashtag?
  • How do I mass delete my Twitter retweets?
  • How do I mass unfollow people on Twitter using Redact?
  • Can I mass delete all Twitter Likes at once with the Redact Software?
  • How do I mass delete pictures and videos on Twitter?
  • Can I mass delete Twitter direct messages all at one time?
  • Can I delete all my tweets that contain a specific hashtag?
  • Can I mass remove my Twitter Followes with the Redact App?
  • Can I remove myself from Twitter Lists with the Redact App?

Start cleaning your Twitter account easily.


Sign in to Redact's Twitter service

Redact is available on PC, Mac, Linux, and the Google and iOS app stores. Install and you're good to go. (some services may be unavailable on mobile devices)


Choose the method of deletion

Redact offer a wide range of rule options, specifying what content and where to find it. There are multiple methods of deletions also such as:

Preview Mode: For just viewing the potential deletion items based on the form

Deletion Mode: Where you want to get straight in deleting content

Select and Delete: Where you pick what items to be deleted by batches of 10.


Watch your content deletion in real time

desktop preview
Download Redact today.
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