Mass Delete all Discord Messages & DMs

Need to quickly mass delete your Discord messages & DMs? Redact allows you to remove all your Discord messages at once, or one by one. Target by keyword, date, or message type. Videos, images, links, & text supported.

Mass Delete Discord Messages

Redact allows you to mass delete your messages on discord with a powerful, intuitive set of tools. Whether you want to target specific chat messages you've sent for deletion, or clear your entire Discord history to the beginning of time, the Redact App is here just for you.

We won’t force you to wipe everything away for all time; we allow you to safeguard your cherished messages by archiving them locally on your device. Additionally, you can fine-tune the process to your exact preferences, pinpointing and deleting messages as specific as those containing particular keywords sent from March 2020 to September 2021.

Moreover, there's no need to fret about an overeager selection criterion. Redact gives you the ability to run your settings dry in "preview mode". That way, you can see your messages that will get removed before confirming the deletion. Plus, you have the ability to selectively exclude individual messages from the batch, giving you the kind of control and precision you can’t get anywhere else.
Mass Delete Discord Messages

Delete Chat & Private Messages by Date Range

Redact software gives you complete control over what timeframe to include or ignore when you bulk delete discord messages.

Our mass Discord message deletion tool allows you to:
  • Delete everything within specific dates
  • Delete everything after a specific date
  • Delete everything before a specific date

Or, you can specify individual months, weeks, or years - whatever you feel most comfortable with and whatever works best for your circumstances. If you’d prefer to use relative dates (e.g. 3 days ago), we’ve applied all the same functionality. Whether you want to delete everything older than 6 weeks, all your messages between 2 and 3 years old, or everything from the last month - Redact has you covered.
Delete Chat & Private Messages by Date Range

Delete Specific Message Types

With the Redact App, you do not need to purge your entire discord history without preserving any of your content. Beyond limiting the scope to a confined timeframe, we allow you to focus on only specific types of content. For example, you can:
  • Delete every image you've ever sent
  • Mass delete every video you've ever sent
  • Delete all messages you've ever sent, unless they contain files

With Redact, you can be as efficient as you need to be. You can select one message type, review all results, and selectively delete - or wipe everything with a few clicks. You can also add as many content subtypes (images, pictures, links, etc.) to your batches as you need, so you can quickly and easily get the job done without deleting things you’d rather keep.
Delete Specific Message Types

Delete by Keyword

When you clean up your Discord messages and content with Redact, you can even delete your messages with specific keywords. Maybe you joined a server and had some political disagreements with other folks back in 2020. You can find those messages and delete them easily with keyword filters - just set the keywords, and Redact will only delete messages that contain them.

Just like with message types, you can feed as few or as many content types to Redact as you need for your purposes; pinpoint precision, total indiscriminate deletion, or something in between.
Delete by Keyword

Delete Discord Direct Messages in Bulk

Your Discord digital footprint isn’t just server messages - it includes DMs too. Lucky for you, Redact also offers a comprehensive discord DM deleter. Just as powerful as deleting from messages, deleting all of your discord DMs with Redact comes in two basic flavors; you can delete all your discord messages with one specific user in DMs, or you can mass delete all your direct messages to everybody at one time.

DM deletion in Discord can also make use of our date and time selection tools. Whether you need to delete all of your Discord DMs, just the last month of messages, or everything but last week - you can do it in Redact.
Delete Discord Direct Messages in Bulk

Moderator Mode

Redact gives server admins all of the same power we give individual users - complete deletion control over the groups they moderate. If your community recently made a change to moderation policies, you can retroactively apply that change across the entire history of the server, with all the same power and convenience as if you were deleting your own posts!
Moderator Mode

Quickly Delete Discord Chat & DM History

Experience the power of the Redact App, your all-in-one Discord content deletion solution. Easily mass delete messages using specific keywords, date ranges, and hashtags, or ignore all those things to start completely fresh. To hang on to all those years of memories, archive everything locally before saying goodbye. Clean up more than just your chat posts, but your DMs as well.

With Redact, you can tailor your online presence exactly the way you want. Our software is free to download and try, what are you waiting for?
Quickly Delete Discord Chat & DM History

Frequently asked questions

  • How do I mass delete all messages in a specific Discord Channel only?
  • Can discord mods see deleted messages?
  • How do I find deleted messages on Discord?
  • Does blocking someone on discord delete their DMs?
  • Why is Redact only deleting 25 messages per minute?
  • How do I mass delete Discord Messages using Redact?
  • How do I delete multiple messages on Discord with Redact?
  • How do I delete discord messages faster?
  • Can I delete Discord DMs with the Redact App? (mass delete Discord messages)
  • Does Redact have tools for Discord Moderators?
  • Using the Redact App, am I able delete Discord Messages only from specific servers and channels?
  • If I remove a DM on Discord, is it removed from both sides of the direct message?
  • Can I mass remove DMs from only a single user on Discord using your software?
  • How do I mass delete all messages on Discord using Redact?

Start cleaning your Discord account easily.


Sign in to Redact's Discord service

Redact is available on PC, Mac, Linux, and the Google and iOS app stores. Install and you're good to go. (some services may be unavailable on mobile devices)


Choose the method of deletion

Redact offer a wide range of rule options, specifying what content and where to find it. There are multiple methods of deletions also such as:

Preview Mode: For just viewing the potential deletion items based on the form

Deletion Mode: Where you want to get straight in deleting content

Select and Delete: Where you pick what items to be deleted by batches of 10.


Watch your content deletion in real time

desktop preview
Download Redact today.
We are frequently updating support to other social network services. You can receive direct updates from us in our Discord Channel.

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