Mass Delete Spotify Content

Anyone who has used Spotify knows that things can quickly get stuffy in your account. Artists you follow, songs you favorite, playlists, and songs within those playlists can build up quickly. Before you know it, your Spotify account is overflowing with content. Redact allows you to mass delete your songs, playlists, follows, likes, albums, podcasts, and artists within Spotify. Stop wasting hours manually sorting through your Spotify content, let Redact do the manual labor for you.

Mass Delete Artists, Songs, Albums, Playlists & Followed Podcasts

Sick of manually sorting through all of your Spotify content trying to keep it clean and fresh? Redact is a tool that you can use to do the tedious work of locating content you need to get rid of. The Redact App streamlines the process of cleaning up your Spotify account, offering the ability to bulk remove various types of content such as songs from playlists, as well as podcasts, artists, and albums you follow. Just tick the checkboxes next to the Spotify content types you wish to delete and leave unchecked those you want to keep. Once done, you're all set to begin your Redacting journey!
Mass Delete Artists, Songs, Albums, Playlists & Followed Podcasts

Delete Songs From Multiple Playlists

Have some songs in your Spotify account that no longer do it for you? Are these songs infecting multiple playlists like a virus? Redact makes it easy to find and remove song(s) from multiple playlists at the same time. Stop wasting valuable time organizing and cleaning up your Spotify playlists. To locate and remove specific songs from your Spotify playlists, simply add them to the provided box and click 'Add.' You have the option to search within a single playlist or multiple playlists at once. If you need to clear your selections, the "RESET" button will remove all chosen playlists. Alternatively, the "Select All" option allows you to include every playlist in your Spotify profile for a comprehensive search.
Delete Songs From Multiple Playlists

Delete All Spotify Activity by Date Range

Is your Spotify account becoming stuffed and crowded from years of adding songs and following artists? Redact gives you the option to clear out your Spotify activity based on date ranges. For example, easily clear out 2023's entire Spotify activity and start fresh in 2024. Or maybe culling your old content from 2015-2020 and leaving the new content alone is your goal. Maybe you went on a crazy song adding session a few weeks ago and now you're second guessing some of those additions to your playlists.

Whatever the situation, Redact can take the elbow grease out of it and allow you to easily curate your Spotify content without spending hours sorting through it all. With Redact, you have the flexibility to target your Spotify content based on specific time frames, including days, weeks, months, years, or particular date ranges. Set your parameters using the Start Date option (to search for content after a certain date) or the End Date option (to search for content before a certain date). Easily choose a month or a year by clicking on the respective labels. If you need to revert or change your selection, simply click the red 'Reset' text, which will clear the date value for that specific field. Take control of your Spotify content, download and try Redact for free.
Delete All Spotify Activity by Date Range

Delete or Preserve Spotify Songs and Follows for Specific Artists

Have you grown sick of a specific artist? Or become obsessed with a new one? Want to mass update your Spotify account to reflect your new opinion of said artist(s)? Redact will find, delete, or exclude your songs by artist name. Enter your chosen artist name in the input field, and click the add button to add it. To remove an artist, just click the “x” that is in line with the artist name. To clear all keywords, click the clear all button.
Delete or Preserve Spotify Songs and Follows for Specific Artists

Delete or Preserve Spotify Songs and Follows by Title or Description

Redact will find, delete or exclude your song and follows by content title or description. Enter your chosen title or description in the input field, and click the “Add” button to add it. To remove a title or description, just click the “x” that is in line with the keyword. To clear all titles or descriptions, click the Clear All button.
Delete or Preserve Spotify Songs and Follows by Title or Description

Preserve Playlists You've Created

Further specify the type of content you want to keep or preserve with overrides.
Preserve Playlists You've Created

Delete Your Spotify Account History

Done with Spoitify? Want to remove any hint that you were ever a member? Redact can thoroughly search through your account history, deleting absolutely everything. Playlists, favorites, follows, songs, artists, it can all be vanished to the sands of time, easily and automatically.

To completely clear your Spotify account, bypass the settings form and head directly to the deletion mode located at the bottom of the app. It's important to remember that this action is irreversible, making it suitable only if you're looking to erase your entire account history, including all associated content. Alternatively, for a more cautious approach, you can opt for the 'select and delete' mode, allowing you to review and choose specific content to remove.
Delete Your Spotify Account History

Start cleaning your Spotify account easily.


Sign in to Redact's Spotify service

Redact is available on PC, Mac, Linux, and the Google and iOS app stores. Install and you're good to go. (some services may be unavailable on mobile devices)


Choose the method of deletion

Redact offer a wide range of rule options, specifying what content and where to find it. There are multiple methods of deletions also such as:

Preview Mode: For just viewing the potential deletion items based on the form

Deletion Mode: Where you want to get straight in deleting content

Select and Delete: Where you pick what items to be deleted by batches of 10.


Watch your content deletion in real time

desktop preview
Download Redact today.
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