Mass Delete Imgur Images, Comments & Favorites

Looking to clean up or polish your Imgur account history? Need to find and remove those embarrassing image posts or comments? We've all been there - sharing inappropriate memes and images on a whim. But now, it's time to make sure your Imgur history reflects your current personality. With our app, easily delete your Imgur account history, en masse or item by item. Whether it's images, comments, or favorites, you can quickly remove them with ease.

Delete Submissions, Comments or Favorites

Our software offers you a great way to take control of your posts and comment history on Imgur. With just a few clicks, you can quickly mass delete your image submissions, remove comments in bulk, or unfavorite pictures you've previously liked. The process is simple and powerful: select the type of Imgur content you want to delete by checking the appropriate boxes on the app settings screen. Whether you need to delete a single type of content or are looking for a bulk deletion of all content, our software is equipped to handle it like a boss.
Delete Submissions, Comments or Favorites

Delete Imgur Content by Date Range

The Redact App allows you to delete pictures and comments by specific date ranges. Deletion can be specified by start date (only delete after this date) or end date (only delete before this date). When you press the calendar icon, a calendar will appear. By default, it’ll take you to the current date, but you can easily change this. You can click the title at the top to select from a list of months, or click it twice to select from a list of nearby years. Alternatively, you could click the left and right arrows to skip around to adjacent months. When you have the correct month and year, you just click the day and you’re done. If you want to start over, just tap the reset button in red text.
Delete Imgur Content by Date Range

Mass Delete Your Imgur History (posts, comments, and favorites)

To delete your entire Imgur account history at once, skip the entire list of Imgur search options, go straight to the bottom of the app settings, and click start deleting. Be advised that content deletion is irreversible. If you're not confident about deleting everything all at once, use preview mode first. Or, use "select & Delete Mode" to pick and choose which Imgur content you want to delete and which content you'd like to save.
Mass Delete Your Imgur History (posts, comments, and favorites)

Frequently asked questions

  • Can I remove my entire Imgur history with the Redact App?
  • How do I mass delete my Imgur images using Redact??
  • Does Imgur delete metadata / EXIF from pictures I upload?
  • I found an image on Imgur that someone uploaded without permission, how do I request deletion of the image?
  • What types of Imgur content can Redact delete?
  • Can I mass delete only NSFW submissions from my Imgur account?
  • What are the options for targetting comments and images for removal within the Redact Software?

Start cleaning your Imgur account easily.


Sign in to Redact's Imgur service

Redact is available on PC, Mac, Linux, and the Google and iOS app stores. Install and you're good to go. (some services may be unavailable on mobile devices)


Choose the method of deletion

Redact offer a wide range of rule options, specifying what content and where to find it. There are multiple methods of deletions also such as:

Preview Mode: For just viewing the potential deletion items based on the form

Deletion Mode: Where you want to get straight in deleting content

Select and Delete: Where you pick what items to be deleted by batches of 10.


Watch your content deletion in real time

desktop preview
Download Redact today.
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