Mass delete DeviantArt Pictures & Comments

Mass delete all your DeviantArt comments, posts, favorites, and deviations all at one time, or one by one! Target by keywords, type of content, or date range. Automatically delete content in bulk with the click of a mouse. Download the Redact App today and try it out yourself for free.

Delete Deviations, Comments, Posts, and Favorites

The Redact App gives you the ability to remove deviations, comments, posts, or favorites easily from your DeviantArt account. No need to manually go through your entire account post by post, let Redact do all the labor for you. Use our custom filtering tools to find and remove the content you need gone, while leaving the rest untouched. Redact is free to download and test out, go ahead and give it a test drive.
Delete Deviations, Comments, Posts, and Favorites

Delete DeviantArt Content by Date Range

One of Redact's most powerful tools is our custom date filter. This custom date filter allows you to segregate your old DeviantArt content by dates or date ranges. Want to remove your entire account history from 2010 - 2015? You can do that. Maybe you want to delete all DeviantArt Posts from May 23, 2009 - June 1, 2009, easily done. Redaction can be specified by an Start Date (only delete after this date) or End Date (only delete before this date). You can select by month by clicking the month label, and by year by clicking the year label. Clicking the Reset red text will reset the date value for that field.
Delete DeviantArt Content by Date Range

Delete DeviantArt Posts or Comment Keywords

Are you embarrassed by a social trend you were heavy into back in the day? It's OK, we all jumped on various adolescent hype trains when we were young. You don't have to risk your current friends or co-workers finding those old sexual anime posts from 2005! With the Redact Software, you can comb through your old DeviantArt posts and comments, singling out specific keywords to target. Enter a phrase or group of words that Redact searches for in the body of the post or comment, and let us remove those embarrassing landmines in your internet past.
Delete DeviantArt Posts or Comment Keywords

Delete Based on the Title of Content

Delete according to the title. Input a word or phrase that Redact will search for in the post title. If you’re looking for a specific word to delete in the title of a post, this is where you place it.
Delete Based on the Title of Content

Delete your DeviantArt history

One of Redact's most powerful tools is our complete DeviantArt history deleter. That's right, with only one click you can remove every post, comment, and favorite you ever made on the site. There will be no trace of you ever being on DeviantArt. To delete anything and everything on your DeviantArt account, go straight to the bottom of the software and you will see "deletion mode". Click "start deleting" and you're off to the races! Please be advised, there is no coming back from the "deletion mode", so use caution. You can use preview mode or select and delete mode if you're not fully comfortable using the app yet, this will give you a chance to make adjustments to the content deletion process.
Delete your DeviantArt history

Frequently asked questions

  • How do I mass delete my Deviant Art comments using the Redact App?
  • How do I mass delete my entire DeviantArt Account History & content?
  • How do I mass delete my DeviantArt Deviations?
  • How do I mass delete my DeviantArt favorites using the Redact App?
  • How do I mass delete my DeviantArt Journals using Redact?

Start cleaning your DeviantArt account easily.


Sign in to Redact's DeviantArt service

Redact is available on PC, Mac, Linux, and the Google and iOS app stores. Install and you're good to go. (some services may be unavailable on mobile devices)


Choose the method of deletion

Redact offer a wide range of rule options, specifying what content and where to find it. There are multiple methods of deletions also such as:

Preview Mode: For just viewing the potential deletion items based on the form

Deletion Mode: Where you want to get straight in deleting content

Select and Delete: Where you pick what items to be deleted by batches of 10.


Watch your content deletion in real time

desktop preview
Download Redact today.
We are frequently updating support to other social network services. You can receive direct updates from us in our Discord Channel.

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