How to delete all messages from a specific Discord Channel

3 min read

Looking for a way to remove all of your chat messages from only a specific Discord Channel? Need to do it quickly and easily? Redact has many tools for removing Discord content and one of them is the ability to remove content from a specific channel automatically.

We’re going to walk you through the process today.

Choose Your Channel

  1. Choose “Delete From Discord”.
  2. Click on the “Servers” tab.
  3. Choose the server where the target channel is located.
  4. On the list of channels for said server, click on the channel you want to mass delete your messages from.
  5. Scroll past all of the deletion options to the bottom where you see deletion modes.

Deletion Modes

To delete all your content off the target channel you will scroll down to the bottom of the settings screen where you see the deletion modes.

Again, the title of this blog post means we are only discussing how to remove content in masse from a specific channel. With that in mind, we don’t need to adjust settings anymore than we did in steps 1-4 above.

If you followed the settings above, you should be ready for deletion time.

Choose the “deletion mode” as seen in the screenshot above. Then push the “start deleting” button.

Please keep in mind, this is not reversable. Once you hit the start button, Redact is going to begin removing your posts from that channel immediately. You will not be able to get this content back. So be sure that’s what you want before pushing the button.

You may want to try “preview mode” first to make sure you’re deleting the correct set of content.

Extra Filtering Options!

All the filtering options you see in the above screenshot allow you to narrow down and pinpoint specific content to remove from your target channel.

For this specific blog post, we were just discussing how to indiscriminately mass remove content from a single Discord Channel. In bulk, all at once.

However, in addition to the nuclear option, you can also use all of these filtering settings above to really pinpoint specific types of chat messages.

Additional Search Options

  • Date Range
  • Keyword Search
  • Sorting Direction
  • Text Search Mode
  • Message Types
    • images
    • videos
    • likes
    • embeds
    • sounds
    • files
    • stickers
  • Pinned Message Protection

Taking advantage of the above filtering options allows you to do MUCH more than simply mass dele content from a server.

Video Walkthrough

Here’s a short video walkthrough from the Redact YT Account going over some of the steps and options for channel redaction.

Bulk Remove Messages from a Discord Channel